Media 2000 reflected in the times
The founding day is no longer known, but it was in 1987, in which the then Virus Epidemic Center Berlin shortly VEZ-Berlin was founded.The impetus was the computer viruses, which had gained more and more importance. At that time, many were still blue-eyed and did not see the dangers as they do today. Since the internet was just learning to walk and was used at this time only by research institutes and universities, there was unfortunately little to no information. The VEZ Berlin wanted to change this.
With a Mailbox with appropriate networking one tried to inform the people, current information about new viruses to give as well as first aid with infections to afford. VEZ-Berlin developed during this time to the point of contact as well as the meeting place for talking shop and handicrafts until late at night. But it should not stay that way. However, no one could foresee the development at this time. Slowly new media arrived. Projects that had little to do with the original core work have emerged. The mailbox was soon also used for the exchange of other topics away from computer viruses. So there were several focal points, some took care of electronics projects others have made themselves strong in programming projects. It came the day on which we also offered a voicebox to the general public. Now you could leave voice messages in theme boards and there was a small community around the voicebox. The users organized user meetings and parties.
At that time, there were considerations how we could combine all this together. Thus in the year 1990 from the VEZ Berlin the Computer Club Media 2000 was born, by the media which we offered (Voicebox, Mailbox and later still another CB-Funk Packet Radio Mailbox) the name was really program. Four years later, in 1994, a packet radio mailbox was added. Packet Radio was released and we wanted to use the opportunity to be QRV now with our own Packet Radio Mailbox. The daily users confirmed our decision, as the club previously used a lot of CB radio for communication, so that the release of the use of packet radio in the CB radio band was an innovation.
Since everything was new then Media 2000 also had the opportunity to work with a local radio station. We offered our mailbox system for use by the listeners. We also set up a way to fax handset faxes from our mailbox system. Since the majority did not have a fax at home, we could send faxes to the broadcasting studio via the mailbox. Telecommunications technology was added during this time. There was ISDN and for many it was still a book with seven seals. Telephone systems also found their way into private households. Many questions and problems and especially firmware updates (with Eprom and Epromburner) made some desperate, here we also tried to explain, which worked well.
Many years went into the country, many innovations came, it was then later the first ISDN Internet Flatrates, whereby also in private dwellings the first ISDN routers catchment took place or also later the DSL connections. The electronics did not stay in the background. The time came when we could combine electronics and software, the first programmable processors were affordable and offered unimaginable possibilities. Where you once had a lot of tinkering, you can solve a lot today with software and few components. It was not only fascinating that you can do it yourself, but also how quickly you can work out solutions. Slowly Voice over IP came to Germany. There were suddenly a number of providers, which offered one the possibilities to telephone over the Internet. Usually there was a small box where you could connect your normal phone and then it could start. Of course we could not resist to join in a bit, our first internet call was fascinating. In the meantime, we also had an internet presence where we reported nearly every day on successes, mishaps and tips.
We also spoke of CB radio, which was still present at all times, unfortunately, we felt only QRV, by accident, some came to amateur radio. Here there was the topic electronics, DIY and radio connection partly around the world. Some decided to prepare for the license exam and during that many more were infected by the radio virus in the club and joined. The result was the amateur radio section, and the corresponding web presence was not missing here. At many Fielddays and events on amateur radio we are currently trying – in addition to our other actions – this beautiful hobby interested parties and give tips for obtaining their own license.
Since 2018 we have also been dealing with the topics of 3D printing and Smart Home. For us, the focus here is on self-construction or the implementation of ready-made solutions in a self-made smart home as well as the development and use of self-printed objects and spare parts.
Who would have thought of where the path would lead 30 years ago and we are glad that many of our former pioneers are still there today.We are also pleased that new enthusiasts are still added today and that the fun of the past has been preserved.